One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman


Now that the President's Day weekend is history for 2016,"let the games begin". It's official that the completion of the two major contractural agreements are now overdue. (I was diplomatic with that last statement). As previously stated,I've achieved my stock share accumulation objective--at least for now---and I shall await with great anticipation for those announcements because nothing really moves forward without them. Many of us have persevered through the torturous wait for the DA signing, the UA signing and the announcement of the land evaluation. We are now seasoned and battered veterans of this process. One thing we have learned through this experience is that those three monumental steps were successfully completed on their own timetable. Think back to the postings on this very message board during those days. Some blamed management--and called for their heads (figuratively). Some blamed the many,many Ministers in Oman;others blamed the way the Middle East region does business. I myself, and our senior Message Board President (no names please) many times have blamed the delays on Ramadan and Eid. Many of the "message board posters" threw in their towels and either left the board and/or sold their positions,or both, and at least two of them that I know of ,have passed away! The take away here is that so far the three biggies --in addition, all of the mountains of work that went before them, somehow,someway were accomplished----granted it took much longer than ANY of us anticipated ---but all of it got completed. In conclusion, we're still on the train--unless you elect to disembark at the next station (trading day), but I personally intend to stay on board till we get to where we're going, Bill..... P.S.... Alton --any idea when the next Ramadan rolls around? I can then calculate the # of days that Eid will add to that.

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