One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: UN

I attended the UN conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship sponsered by Omagine. Great conference for those of us into technology. Sam Hamden pretty much ran the show, many excellent leaders in the fields of automation, robotics, medicine, architecture and the social sciences. Omagine had a nice presence as sponser and Frank gave opening remarks stressing the goals to the chaotic MINA region from a project like Omagine. US gov't attedees include reps from State and NASA.

The first day was held in the General Assembly hall.. very impressive venue.

It was fun for my wife and I to get back to Manhattan (I grew up in Westchester County). We took side trips to St Pat's Cathedral and to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

I spoke to Frank, Charlie and other Omagine folks. They are very upbeat about the project and are working hard, as you can imagine, to move things forward. They are a great team and I think you can be confident that they have the shareholders interests in the forefront of their minds. I would characterize their general attutude as very optimistic.

May 21, 2016 07:16PM
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