One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: Hold your horses! Down only 10.89% Today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PIPER AND COWBOY, this roller coaster ride is simply Hijinks for some....playing with the market. Why you ask? Cause they can (It's a penny stock). We really won't see real bonified,lasting gains until #1. the financing is nailed down and #2. the construction agreement is completed. It was just bad timing that the price of oil tanked (pun intended) at about the same time OMAG was negotiating both of these agreements (and all three are related and intertwined). Sooo enjoy Ramadan and EID while Frank, Charlie and Sam take their "dog and pony show" to the faaaar East in hopes of finding a bank (or several banks) and a construction company that wants to get things moving. Lest we forget that the Sultan --through the RCA--- has done his part--and that was "THE BIGGIE". Without THAT ..Fahgettaboudit! Now we need the final pieces to this puzzle to be put in place....and then some sand to be pushed around. Keep the faith, Bill of the Board.

Jun 09, 2016 06:37AM
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