Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: PRB compared to BMK
Nov 06, 2007 05:52PM

NOT's discovery is open to the north and west/south west and widening to the west.  The market seems to be missing the fact that PRB has land immediately north and west of NOT's discovery.  Where's the speculation?  For better or worse, there seems to be none.

PRB's market cap is a mere 25million compared to BMK's which is around 200million (without a drill turning).  If BMK hits on their first holes things should work out fine for them, but if they don't, well, expect a bumpy ride.

I'd rather be here.

If pre-drilling speculation were to push PRB into a 200million market cap like BMK, we'd be over $6/share.

BMK just financed at 0.40/share and trading as high as 1.32 today.  PRB financed at what, 0.75/share and we're trading at 0.80.

BMK just diluted the company by 25million shares with its recent financing.  25million shares is practically PRB's entire float.  PRB only diluted the company by 5million shares or so.  Nice to see some restraint here.

PRB certainly has to be one of the safest (if not the safest) sideplays in this area.  Any thoughts?



Nov 06, 2007 10:02PM
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