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Message: Question about PRB vs FNC

Re: Question about PRB vs FNC - x

posted on Nov 16, 2007 05:45AM

I'm not sure anyone's answered the original question, which was why FNC's share price is almost three times higher than PRB's, all things being "equal." 

One reason is because John Kaiser did a report which suggested the Eagle 1 occurence is one of perhaps many tenticles and that the main"body" may in fact be on Fancamps property.  If you look at the airborne mag survey on Probe's website, it shows 5 bright pink anomolies on NOT's and PRB's land (one being Eagle 1).  If you look at Fancamp's land, an even bigger anomoly exists partially on NOT's land but moslty on FNC's.  The president of FNC has stated that he believes that 2/3 of the Eagle 1 deposit is on FNC land.  Whether this is actually true or not, drilling will decide. 

So there's a tremendous amount of speculation involved here on the part of the Fancamp fanatics.  If they're right, good for them.  If they're wrong, look out.  What does Fancamp have to fall back on?  They were trading at 0.15 when all this started.  If they end up with nothing, 1.80 to 0.15 is a pretty hard fall.

Probe, on the other hand, has 2.5 anomolies (maybe not as big as FNC according to the pretty picture) but their market cap is almost a third of FNC's, their land position has to be five times bigger, and they have that 5% royalty which will generate an income hopefully within six months.  And PRB was trading higher than these levels BEFORE NOT hit their discovery.  The point is, compared against FNC, PRB has as much upside potential, but one hell of a lot less downside risk.  PRB's the place to be.  Eventually the market will figure that out.








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