Couldn't agree more - sounds like Sherkus is already downplaying the potential.
In speaking to Probe in the past, they have said repeatedly that Agnico Eagle has not been exactly forthcoming as to how much of the gold production will be attributable to the Probe claims.
This was the first information that I have ever heard about, and given that the source was supposed to be Sherkus, I wanted to put it out there. I think the grain of salt is well called for here!
I called Probe's IR and asked about it - they also heard about this from a shareholder who had called, but they had not heard anything from Agnico Eagle, so it will be interesting to see what Dr. Palmer comes back with.
They have shown over and over again that they have the shareholders' best interests at heart and I am sure that they will continue to do so in regards to the Goldex royalty.