Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Thanks for feedback

Thanks for feedback

posted on Jun 04, 2008 02:40PM

Thanks to all for your comments. They are appreciated. I am still bummed out about not drilling MW when everything was all set to go. However, in reading your comments, as well as re-reading the PR's, perhaps my assuming that the negotitations with NOT were only about "sale" of PRB MW interests to NOT are not necesarily what the negotations are about. I have reread the PR's. PRB's News Release was quite vague, more than likely intentionally so. They say: " Probe and Noront are reviewing their ownership interests in these lands, the historical work undertaken by each company on these properties, and the history of their contractual arrangements to determine an optimal strategy for the ownership, exploration and development of these lands that is consistent with the long term interests of both companies." In this NR, a JV or sale are both potentially both in the picture.

NOT's NR, on the other hand was a little more detailed. They say: " Noront confirms that it has had some discussions with Probe regarding the potential disposition by Probe of all of its land holdings in the McFauld's Lake area."

I may have interpretted NOT's NR incorrectly. I initially read it as indicating that NOT was saying the discussions were about NOT's wanting to purchase all of Probes land holdings in MW. However, I guess the word "disposition" does not necesarily mean the sale of Probes land holding. I suppose it could also mean possibly a JV with PRB on all of PRB's land holdings in MW. PRB could potentially "dispose" of there 100% land holdings to an new entity, a JV, that they PRB could still have an interest in.

Thus, if PRB is working on a potential JV with NOT, then that is a scenario that I can see where it does make sense to hold off on MW drilling for now as a JV would probably involve a sharing of drilling expenses, etc.

Thanks again for the comments. I always like to keep an open mind and feedback that is given sometimes helps clear things up or at least put things in a different light. That's what the forum is for.


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