Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Re: Suspicious Events w/ Huge Implication on PRB's sp

I want to make it clear for a few things.

Noront released that one hole NOT-09-49 intersected two zones of disseminated, semi-massive and massive sulphides. It is silly to say "So far, I have seen no evidence of it trending to the west." based on this information. Nobody can tell whether it trends to west, east, south, north or air in the ozone layer.

Even Noront geologists have no idea of the geological structure of new zones. You may be right if we are talking about the existing Eagle One discovery. You seemed to have a better analysis on the structure of two newly zones found lately.

Also I'm hearing a different story from the Company about the jv settlement. I'm not sure that you are right while the Company is wrong.

4) You don't understand the characteristics of the Eagle 1 anomaly. The whole block of rock that contains the Eagle 1 conduit has been tectonically overturned by about 110-120 degrees from its implacement orientation, with the overturning towards the SSE. That means that what was the lowest section of the emplacement period conduit (which trended at about 20-30 degrees above the horizontal as it was originally oriented) is now at the NW edge of a near vertical deposit. The deep hole just drilled was most assuredly not on the nearby PRB/NOT JV claim, nor oriented to strike towards it. I can tell that simply by the description of it, and existing models of the deposit. Unfortunately, I can't prove that without collar and dip, which have not yet been publicly released. But I hope you'll accept my interpretation for the time being. I'll gladly update this model upon receiving the missing information.

Jul 03, 2009 02:03PM
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