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Message: Why I like PRB

It's great to see different theories being presented. So I figure I might just as well give my take on what I think might eventually happen too. Additional theories welcome as well. I like PRB for many reasons. Here is the top reason which I think will effect sp and possibly quite soon. At the present time, I am thinking that PRB's top project is the Black Creek chrome asset which is 50/50 with NOT.

Micron is currently working on the 43-101 for this chrome deposit and it should be completed in about a month. The JV chrome depost is 200 yards long and open in all directions. Its also open at depth. If I recall, one of the summer drill projects is to drill Black Creek down to 400 feet. FWR drilled to 400 ft and their chrome (which is now CLF's chrome) went to that depth. PRB initially only drilled to 200 ft. Since the resource is open at depth they hope to at least double the resource that Micron comes up with in the initial 43-101. Of course, we all know that CLF bought FWR for their chrome and intends to mine it. They now have the Black Label and Black Thor deposit. CLF is now trying to acquire majority ownership of the Big Daddy deposit by acquiring SPQ. I would encourage readers to go to PRB website and check out the Black Creek map and pay close attention to where it is located. Here is the link. Click on the map to enlarge it. You will see that is it about equidistant between Black Label/Black Thor and Big Daddy. Plus, PRB's chrome is high % chrome, it's close to surface, and probably most important from a strategice standpoint, it is on the highest ground in the area. I am thinking that if CLF prevails in its takeover of SPQ, then certainly they are going to be interested in Black Creek. (Perhaps even if they dont prevail.)

Now, go back about a week. Wes Hanson of NOT made a public comment that NOT may consider "vending" (i.e., selling) its chrome resource as a way to help finance building their nickel mine. I am thinking that he made this statement to let CLF know that if CLF is interested in buying, he is interested in selling. I have heard that PRB would be interested in selling Black Creek as well. (Black Creek is 50/50 PRB/NOT so I assome that both have to agree to sell. And it sure looks like both do want to sell.)

Just think, if CLF ends up buying Black Creek, just about everyone comes out ahead. CLF gets 3 quality chrome deposits in close proximity, plus high ground in the middle. NOT gets money (or stock which can be sold) to finance its nickel mine and PRB get money to develop its other projects. I have no idea what the eventual price would be, but I am thinking that certainly it would be at least in the several tens of millions of dollars range. Just think of it, a windfall of cash for both PRB and NOT. Both companies would have their treasuries fattened, and better yet, no dilution.

Both companies sp would go up, but PRB would go up % wise much more since PRB has only 36 million outstanding shares. I can see things heating upwith respect to Black Creek soon, hopefully before the end of summer. Buyouts make sp go up in a short time frame. If this scenario happens, hang onto you hats. This is why I like PRB. And this only relates to the Black Creek asset. They will also be drilling north of Eagle shortly, after geophysics is completed, they have two new gold properties to be drilled in a week or so, they just might get West Timmins back at the end of June and they have a 5% NSR which just might kick in this year. Plus, the projects at Tamarack and Victory as well as drilling this summer at the 100% owned MW claim.

Just my 2 cents, but PRB has a lot going for it. I think it is undervalued.


Jun 18, 2010 10:00AM
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