Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: NOT JV - actual situation ?

<<< and drilling is expected to commence on the Probe-Noront JV in early July. >>>

Your post makes a lot of sense. I like PRB a lot and relied on above information in Company release to present a lot of optimistic posts about the near term prospects for PRB. Maybe you touched on the problem, that is, too many things going on simultaneiosly for one person to handle in a timely manner. Plus, some things norht of Eagle require a coordination of efforts with NOT which can also create delays. I still believe that any announcement of drilling the JV north of eagle will positively affect sp. It is the continual waiting that is frustrating and in the meantime sp languishes below .40. Hopefully next week we will get some news on this. Then if they end up hitting nickel, it will certainly be worth the wait. Having a lot of good things going on at once is certainly not a bad thing, but it can slow down the process considerably which can be frustrating.

As far as what is actual situation? As far as I know, Black Creek 43-101 should be out soon, very soon. I base this on the 5/18/10 NR which stated that the timetable for completion was 6-8 weeks from 6/8/10. This puts us at the edge of the 8 weeks right now. Again, hopefully we hear something soon. IMHO, results of Black Creek 43-101 have outstanding potential for positive affect on sp as it will allow market to put an actual value on this asset.

Cree Lake and Bordon lake drilling are completed and we await assays which could come at almost any time as well.

The option at West Timmins, now LSG, technically expired at end of June. No word yet on what will happen, but I'm sure that Dave needs to review a lot of technical material and do some negotiating and various other serious legwork before a final decision is made. Much of this stuff is most likely office type work such as reviewing documents and accounting work. He has been in field a lot and many things on his plate. Again, we could get word at any time.

Still awaiting news on Agnico NSR as well.

Plus, other PR's indicated that they are also planning on doing work at Victory, Tamarack and some 100% owned MW claims as part of summer program. Plus dont forget the plan to drill to 400 ft depth at Black Creek after 43-101 is released to potentially double the resource there.

There are indeed many, many good things going on all at once. I'm sure Dave is an extremely busy guy right now. Positive new on any of these many fronts should affect sp nicely. (Just my ho, but I have put a lot of money into PRB shares to support it.) But we wont know for sure until we actually get the news. So I sure hope that this upcoming week we will acutally get some of the news that we have been waiting for.

My biggest concern is that if delays continue, and sp stays stagnent at current level that a suitor can then make a hositle bid for a whopping 50% premium over the average sp of last 30 days and we end up being taken out for peanuts similar to FWR and SPQ and retail gets the shaft.

The best way to avert that from happening is to get the sp raised. Positive news on any of above have the potential to raise it, a lot, in a short time frame. I am hopeful that this will be the week of the start of PRB taking the first step to the next level. Remember PRB has only 36 million outstanding shares. If things get hot, watch out.

Good luck to all. Above MHO.


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