Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Catching up on posts

Have been catching up on posts this evening. Lots of good discussion. I dont get too worried about daily ups and downs of sp. Investors and traders will do what they do and the sp can swing up and down which is quite normal. But I am thinking that in a few months sp will be a lot better than today. The 43-101 is overdue based on timeline in the 5/18/10 NR. Hopefully we get it soon. And the drills should be sent back to BC soon as well to prove up more resource. I may be wrong, no one knows for sure, but I feel that CLF will have an interest in BC. The reasons have been stated previously such as proximitiy to chrome they already control, high ground, close to surface, high grade, etc. Now, to that we can add that PRB has 100% control and can make all decisions on its own. Buyer only has to deal with one party.

Some have speculated on the value of the chrome, ranging from 50 million to over 140 million. I continue to use the SPQ comparable in my analysis. Micron did a 43-101 for Bid Daddy which showed a chrome resource of around 40 million tons. SPQ had a 26.5% interest in this 40 million tons (there share was about 10.6 million tons.) and SPQ got taken out by CLF for about C$125 million. Thus, I use this as a crude reference and baseline.

Lets say that PRB's initial 43-101 shows a deposit of around 5 million tons. The initial report will be based on drilling to 200 ft. The deposit is open at depth and lenght/width. PRB intends to drill to 400 ft shortly. Could we then figure on at least doubling the initial estimate to about 10 million tons? If we can, then is the valuation somewhere around C125 million? What if the upcoming drilling to 400 ft shows the deposit to still be open at depth? What if the upcoming 43-101 shows more than 5 million tons? The possibilites are many, but the point is we will have a better picture of the value shortly and if the market likes the numbers, we should see some nice sp appreciation in a short time frame. One additional point of interest. I see that PRB has updated the outstanding shares. Previously it was around 45 million fully diluted. But they have updated there website on 8/16 to point out that the outstanding shares now stands at around 41.6 million. This is a plus.

I am hoping that sp can be strengthened a lot so that when/if a buyout or sale (or whatever) happens that it starts from a sp a lot higher than what we have today. We need to keep in mind that this is all speculation. There is no guarantee that CLF will be interested. There is still a chance (I think a very small chance) that it will all fall apart. Everyone needs to make there own decision. After a lot of DD, I think that BC will eventually be in play. Friendly or hostile, I dont know. But I think it will be in play and shareholders will do OK. That is MHO and I have made my share purchases accordingly. Others may feel differently. I look forward to others analysis to compare/contrast.

Plus, as others have pointed out, PRB has so many other good things going on as well. We await gold assays on Cree Lake and Borden Lake. We await news on NSR. We await news on West Timmins (LSG) option. Any of these by themselves can have significant impact on sp and they are also due at any time. PRB has a lot going for it.

Good Luck to all.


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