Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: royalty game

PRB,s royalty from AEM is legally solid as good as gold(literally)and any contemplation of a buy out of the asset is bounded by well defined law and AEM has to pay in full with all future projected potentials.I personally wish that Dave will hold on to the royalty as our gold-crusted insurance to enhance all aspects of the company,s future.I also do not wish to see the company to bring in a partner to assist in any future drill effort(look at what happened to the partnership with LSG).If PRB has to raise a few million dollar with minimum dilution at this stage,that,s not a problem with me.I still go for the continuous royalty payout as the best of both world type of scenario.Any company who wishes to take over the entire company now has to realize that there will be an extra cost of about one hundred million dollars due to the royalty agreement.That will eliminate all the little guys lurking around to pull a fast one on PRB.

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