In addition to the VMS potential in the Victory claim block there is also info about an ultramadic sill in the northern part. A drill hole; V08-27 intersected 30 m of sulphide mineralized ultramafic with anomalous Ni, Cu, Pt and Pd over the section. This hole was at the end of a 300 m conductor and there was some speculation that the conductance was higher near the mid point of the conductor.
Subsequent to this drill program a VTEM survey, July 2 NR, was completed and some 12 anomalous zones were identified. The longest zone was in the order of 1900 m, a drill program was planned but never completed. So it would appear that a MMS potential exists at the Victory claim as well as VMS.
At some point I expect PRB to go back to do some serious drilling at Victory, maybe after Borden.