Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Still here till wednesday...

On wendnesday Im done with my exams.

I'm gonna set a stopp loss order and take a couple of weeks or month off.

Without checking even share price and stuff.

Summer is coming in. Just got sick of the way things going on.

At the risk of being naive my perception of creating shareholder value, invester relation,...., doesn't match with whats going on here. Think about it on other business than mining business. Not possible, isn't it.

What about BC. Management is just not talking about. Why the heck aren't they talking about. Where does the money comes from to run the business. You got it. Being a geologist is the one thing. But there are simple business rules which companies are suppoesed to consider.

Allright. Just some thoughts over the day.

Take care.It was a pleasure to read many interesting posts. Special thanks to Fantomas.


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