Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: $25 Million

when i was talking to Dave a while back i asked him why he took the 25 mil. He said that the time was right and that if there was a market slow down or who knows what the economy was going to do in the future that he felt a lot more comfortable taking the money now than waiting in the future and having projects that needed funding and not being able to get the funds to do what they want. ( that is not exactly what he said but it was the just of it ) pretty much take it when you can get it. and he was adamant about this money setting Probe up for the future and taking Probe to a new level. Just remember Dave is not about right this minute, but he is about building a solid future for Probe, you might not like what he is doing now but he feels extremly confident about the future of Probe. Just my thoughts after talking to Dave a few times.


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