Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Jennings Revised Est

All excellent ideas. Dave is out in the field, I suspect, most of the time or traveling. I am positive there are some posters here who exhibit compassion and brilliance far in the excess of the mute members of the Board. If we had a Martin Armstrong or a Jim Sinclair on the Board they wouldn't be caught sucking their thumbs in some corner while Rome burns.

Markets have so vastly changed as everyone in the sector is so well aware of. The Board is morally compelled to adjust to these changing times. Why do they hide like politicians from the public eye when the unraveling of events question their value to shareholders? We are being attacked. You either get with the shareholders spoken agenda or take a hike or explain yourselves.

The Company, for the most part, has the e-mail addresses of some or most of the shareholders. The Board needs to access this site and get back to the shareholders on their concerns. I've been a director of a gold mining/exploration company in the past and know addressing shareholder concerns with an e-mail blast would be NO BIG DEAL

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