I love the idea of a list but keep it very short and sweet.
A "crazy" laundry list will lose credibility with management. This group should not be created to overthrow management or become hostile as overall I believe they have done a exceptional job in a short period of time of turning nothing into something.
To me its primary goal is to "circle the wagons" incase of a hostile take over. I do believe anybody who was considering a take over of Probe will have second thoughts now and move on to an easier target.
We can add spinning off chromite as I have yet to hear a valid reason why not too.
Maybe add we would like to see a new member added to the BOD with the qualifications Mark described as management of Probe have openly admitted they are not good at marketing the company.
Not sure if there is really any other thing other to add. Our goal should always be to work with management to get better results for all share holders.