For one thing, it is noteworthy that the language used by Dave in the NR focuses on the higher grade portion of the gold deposit based on the April 2/12 43-101, which states 1,498,000 oz at 1.46 avg. grade in the indicated and 407,000 oz at 1.3 avg. grade in the inferred for a total of 1,905,000 oz, all at a cut-off of 1 g/t.
This is a sizeable deposit at a significant grade ,when compared to TRR whose indicated portion is at .82 g/t and inferred at .91 g/t.
In these economic times, investors and financial institutions seem to be focusing on the higher grade deposits that juniors hold.
Of course ,we continue to note that Probe's April 2/12 43-101 shows a Global resource of 5.8 million oz at .7 g/t and that the constrained component is 3.4 million oz at 1.02 g/t.
IMO,the most recent assays appear to be generally in line with previous releases.