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Message: Pushing Back

From JSMineset

June 16, 2012, at 9:54 pm
by Jim Sinclair in the category General Editorial | Print This Post | Email This Post


Following your call to action, the following is the content of my email to the SEC:

"Moments after the New York market closed Friday, June 15, 2012, there was a major carpet bombing of various gold mining shares. I listed NGD above as an example of a company I own. Look at the chart. Straight down on virtually no volume immediately after the market closed. 4% down in seconds. Apparently, this tactic was spread across the gold mining shares generally.

When, pray tell, will the SEC take action against these blatant crooks utilizing naked short selling on low volume to manipulate the market price? I’m not counting on it during my lifetime."

If this were against GS or JPM, no doubt the SEC would have the cavalry after them.



When you try to catch a raccoon the thing will fight like hell, butting, biting and tearing everywhere. We have to be the same.

I can afford to hire eminent US and Canadian security counsel to determine if there is civil liability by the perpetrators due to the company.

I can see if any exchange rules were broken concerning order, size of price difference on execution, position of the specialist on the AMEX, time requirement for a MOC order to be entered, Canadian Jitney to the US, stock borrowed if short, and many other things.

If you go ballistic every time someone touches you soon nobody screws with you.

It is the poor cash strapped gold and silver companies, poor securities regulation wise management, and people without a voice that have no option.

I have many options, and will use them all. As an Irish Jew I am determined and without fear.

You have helped me.

Thank you,

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