Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: more Stonecap

Hello Warrantless, PSU Rep and other interest parties

Just like JS we have some suspicion that the SP has been manipulated. Presumably, JS has a good chunk of PRB in his portfolio and felt strongly enough to initiate some action and suggested OSC should do something about it. It sounds like we are supportive of his action, so there would be no harm done in contacting him to make him aware of our suspicion.

Also, presumably PRB BoD has similar suspicion, but perhaps it would not want to say it out loud for fear of repraisals by investment bankers when it come to financing? But, investment bankers are not all the same though, and there are "good bankers" around. If they are not part of the SP manipulation they should have no fear of being put under scutiny by the OSC (In principle, or is it in practice?, OSC can carry out an investigation (on a potential manipulation) without telling anybody about it, until it feels confident to contact the companies for additonal information, then those companies can start worry?)

As I understand it, JS effort is to encourage OSC action who with all the tool available to analyze the trading data to find out (hopefully) who would be the culprits for this manipulation. Again, there should be no harm to communicate our suspicion to our BoD for them to contact the OSC for an investigation. If our BoD is reluctant to do that then there should be some compelling reasons for WHY NOT. They are our BoD and one of their main jobs (or should that be "their main job"?) is to protect shareholder value.

Suggestion: Contact both JS and our BoD to express PSU suspicion and support for appropriate actions, noting that PSU has the backing of 13%OS voting block. Of course, our BoD can contact other companies in the same sector to speak volume to the OSC, if they want to take shelter under "safety in the numbers".

As indicated by recent posts, PSU has quite a few hidden talents who could provide information and techniques, through PSU Rep, that would help both JS and our BoD.



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