Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: bye bye iceberg

Yes, was taken out with one order.

Recent Trades - All 5 today

Time ET Ex Price Change Volume Buyer Seller Markers
13:27:19 V 1.02 -0.01 400 99 Jitney 13 Instinet K
13:27:02 V 1.03 43,200 7 TD Sec 79 CIBC KL

Level 2 now very thin

Orders Shares Bid Ask Shares Orders
1 600 1.02 1.06 100 1
1 7500 1.01 1.07 500 1
6 23200 1 1.08 2000 1
1 1000 0.99 1.09 2000 1
4 26200 0.98 1.13 3000 1
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