Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Watch out Plato

All pederast analogies aside, practicing patience should be easy for this bunch. Probe has rebounded nicely from blatant manipulation by crooked investment houses combined with sector-wide battering and what I believe is a lack of investor marketing. Probe has a very loyal retail investor base for the exact reason stainless points out- WE know what's in the ground. The downward pressure on the SP is being applied by people who don't care to look at fundamentals because with such a light market cap, they have no reason to care. They can manipulate the stock regardless...for now and now only. Just stay strong and long. We will get there because severe artificial SP depression only works in the short term. Stay patient and trade on fundamentals because they bare the real fruit. It just needs to ripen. Now there's an analogy that doesn't involve 16 year old breasts...JK Been There, I was not offended :)

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