Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: kid at christmas

this has been a long process for me that started out by just missing noronts candlestick rise to 7 dollars by a few days. i invested in probe because of it's proximity to noront. a lot has changed since then. although the chromite still has an unlocked potential probe has reinvented itself into a gold exploration company. now i feel it is about to enter into a new transformation as a junior gold producer. like a good wine maker david palmer has followed his recipe taking the time to ensure the final product is excellent and not falling to the tempation of rushing things and cutting corners. there has been ups and downs in the gold and stock market but he has stuck to the plan. on bnn many of the analysts warn investors that only 1 in 100 gold exploration stocks make it. although there are certainly no guarantees with probe i feel we are watching the exception to the rule unfold here. the stock is starting to gain momentum with investors and getting more and more coverage by analysts. probe has shown strength even when the market is punishing other gold stocks. the time has come for the cork to pop on this one. maybe not tomorrow or the next day but certainly we are in the red zone to steal a football term. i use to day trade a lot and chase stocks up and down but with probe i have only added to my position in the last 4 years never selling.there is something different going on here. the details of this story are about to be revealed and i personally feel like a kid on christmas eve. good luck to all of you that have been patient like me for the last few years and my hope is we will all soon be rewarded for our patience.

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