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Message: Fighting dollar weakness with paper gold

Daily gold is being pushed lower today for fear of a mini-dollar collapse by our fiat orchestrators. Big gold drama today for the sake of hiding the fact that the dollar's reserve currency status is dying as more and more international transactions are being settled in the Chinese Yuan. The fiat boys are obviously running scared at this stage by showing their hand by showering the gold market with non-physical-backed contracts on the Comex drama stage.

The U.S. Dollar's last is 79.33 off 0.24 breaking below 79.50 support.

Sinclair keeps telling us that the Euro will come back against the dollar with great help from its eastern trading partners. Russia appears to want to savage the dollar indirectly through their growing support for their western European trading partners. Thinking the Euro will implode appears to be a mistake. Saying the eventual ain't so by manipulating gold lower now will cost Americans dearly in the end. The boomerang effect is being tightly wound-up, IMO, to be unleashed in a spectacular advance for gold which will come "out of the blue" which will leave the media completely speechless and stumbling in the dark awaiting for their next supplied script.

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