Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: The Street

No matter what Dave did today we were going to be sold off after the announcement. The institutions dumps some to get the fire stoked, and then retail feeds them back a steady supply of shares to rebuy at a lower price. Expect it to continue for the rest of the week then it will pick back up as we head towards the next release.

I haven't seen the actual report but the NR numbers look good. Key is that we have a potential pit design with over 4.31 mOz (almost all indicated) at an average 1.03 g/t grade of which 2.34 mOz (almost all indicated) is at an average grade of 1.66 g/t. The 1+ gram grades, plus the metallurgical work to date, plus location point to this deposit likely becoming a mine.

Once past a million oz the key is high resource classification and higher grades. No major is going to be overly concerned with marginal material that might or might not get mined, or processed if it is mined. I feel pretty good about what I am seeing. There are not many 4 Moz deposits sitting out there on the market in known mining district, in a low risk environment with excellent accessibility and infrastructure. Doesn't get much better.

I pick up a few more shares every time it takes a dip and I have cash on hand. Other than that its a wait and see game.

Good luck with your holdings.

..... Been There

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