Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Move pending

Looks like Anonymous has had their way in driving the shares lower out of a tight Bollinger Band. One wonders how many stocks get effected with their software or kids on their trading desks having unlimited funds to pound any company lower following positive news or just in adding more misery to the ones that have already been beaten-up so badly. And the regulators: more than likely, their next positions will be with the likes they chose NOT to regulate. This is a good reason for them not allowing a public oversight committee to monitor their failings. I guess it's ok to steal from the public with some people as long as it means a higher paying job for you later with great benefits from your past government employer, again supplied by the public. What a great time for a self-proclaimed equalizer to come on the scene and fight for the providors of real wealth which are the miners, farmers and all other productive laborers. Squeezing money from these hard working folks who have saved their whole lives has to be the lowest form of scum imaginable.

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