Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Words to ponder

"So has the UNTHINKABLE already happened?"

Well by this measure - yes.

Dennis Gartman of The Gartman Letter, writes today:

"Concerning gold, let’s note firstly something sent to us by our old friend John Brimelow, who had a most interesting piece in his commentary this morning regarding the violence of the recent price changes. He noted a piece written by Russell Rhoads, CFA of the CBOE Option Institute, who wrote the following:

"’Friday was a 4.88 standard deviation move in the price of gold. For simplicity’s sake let’s call it a five standard deviation move. Statistically we get a five standard deviation move approximately once every 4,776 years. So we should not expect another move like this out of the price of gold until May 17, 6789. … Currently the two-day price change in GLD is 16.65, which can be converted to just over eight standard deviations. I wanted to share what this comes to, but the table I use only goes up to seven standard deviations. Let’s just say the sun is expected to burn out first.’"

* remember May 17, 6789, write it down for future generations, eh? a criminal act, indeed.

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