Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Sedar info

I'm not a lawyer, but sounds like they closed a land deal...wild guess anyway:

Material Incorporated by Reference

- copies of all material incorporated by reference in
the preliminary short form prospectus and not previously filed;
Material Documents
- copies of all documents referred to in subsection 12.1(1) or 12.2(1)
of NI 51-102 or section 16.4 of NI 81-106, as applicable, that relate to the securities being
distributed, and that have not previously been filed;

Rules and Policies
December 23, 2005
(2005) 28 OSCB 10394
Mining Reports
- if the issuer has a mineral project, the technical reports required to be filed with a preliminary short
form prospectus under NI 43-101;
Reports and Valuations
- a copy of each report or valuation referred to in the preliminary
short form prospectus for which a consent is required to be filed under section 4.4 and that
has not previously been filed, other than a technical report that
(A) deals with a mineral project or oil and gas activities, and
(B) is not otherwise required to be filed under paragraph (v); and
(b) deliver to the regulator, concurrently with the filing of the preliminaryshort form prospectus, the
Authorization to Collect, Use and Disclose Personal Information
- an authorization in the form set out in Appendix B to the indirect collection, use and disclosure of personal information including, for each director and executive officer of an issuer, each promoter of
the issuer or, if the promoter is not an individual, each director and executive officer of the
promoter, for whom the issuer has not previously delivered the information;
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