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Message: SEC and OSC..Regulators. read Michael Lewis' book!

I didn't see the 60 Minutes episode but have believed for years the markets are rigged in favor of the Big Guy and insiders. After some mini and maxi "flash" crashes in the market, the little investor, who in general was wiped out of the market in 2008, realized he had no chance against hyper computer trading, and left for good.

I would not be in the general stock market now. It's had a great run this past year, but not much based on fundamentals. A bit of the ponzi scheme. Now I sense blood in the water, and once again the big guys are protected - all hedged up, but not the few little guys who keep hoping. They will be wiped out again, when some Black Swan event causes another Flash crash in a matter of minutes.

I happpened to hear on CNBC today, which I rarely watch, several seasoned individuals discussing Michael Lewis' book which evidently reveals rampant corruption in high speed computer trading systems. We know this is a dangerous market. There is little, if any regulation. What truly shocked me was the open statement that the SEC, and I'm sure the OSC, had inferred to major players in the high speed computer trading, that "they (the SEC) had their backs"! Not the backs of mutual funds, or little investors etc. No, the backs of the Big Guys! Just outrageous!

I've seen many little mining companies destroyed by naked short selling and other shenanigans, and the Regulators continue to ignore it. Let's be vigilant, and hope that our great gem, PROBE, is traded fairly.

Thanks for listening,


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