Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: 50 % is 50 % is 50 % is 50 %

Hi CapT

I am not sure if I understand your message, especially the part about 50%. Are you saying that PRB should give the lumber people 50% of the entire deposit? No way.Currently, PRB has a 50-50 JV with the lumber people on a square bracket shape on the north side of the deposit on the west side of the "wedge" (the 200m gap) that PRB is trying to acquire. If PRB is successful, then there are two small pieces of 50-50 JV with the lumber people.

My understanding (and expectation) is that they would split the spoil under those 2 pieces of land (the 200m wedge, and the square bracket claim on the west side of the wedge). Presumably, the lumber people will have to pay pro-rated costs (capex and, opex, etc.).

I would not go for any deal with load of cash up front. Probe has only about $30M cash and it would be unwise to blow a good chunk of it on a land deal. An option would be for PRB to pay them in PRB shares, but the number of shares would need to be reasonable. In my opinion, the JV lands, specially the wedge is just for convenience (more lands for elbow room), and PRB can bypass that part of the deposit (assuming that the deposit is continous underneath the wedge).

If PRB wants to play game, Dave can delay mining the 50-50 JV parcels, and let the lumber people wait, wait, and wait. Then, the lumber people may want to re-negotiate the deal for some NSR, get some cash flow of the JV lands. But this is speculation of course.

I have a difficult time following the last part of your message. Perhaps you could expand the key points a bit?

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