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Message: Anonymous

.. "One give-away to what he (ANONYMOUS) is doing, he likes to under-offer following upticks on 100 share lots to to change the quote. I easily see this, why can't the overseers???" --ElPrimero

Hi Elprimero

THE OVERSEERS DO SEE IT, but can't be bothered!
Financial markets are rife with illegal trading. There's little hope for the small investor, especially when many regulators are goofing off, paid off, or watching porn during the day.

As you may know, several years ago many employees of the SEC were caught viewing porn most of the day! Just yesterday our EPA admitted that an employee was viewing porn for over 4 hours daily, and he has not been fired. These huge bureaucratic agencies are just incapable of doing their job, and will not fire anyone.

Question- Why is anonymous trading permitted? Aren't investors entitled to know who is hiding behind ANONYMOUS?

..just asking


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