Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Gold and the timber people

Gold - $1172.40 OFF $26.40

It appears that the big support area at $1180 has been breached. Most certainly, the big gold shares are confirming this. American Barrick and ASA, just to mention a few, are both looking at the $10 levels now. Month ago this all seemed improbable. The big gold promoters have not done investors in this sector any favors. Gold will have its day for sure but not before all the weak holders are chased out. $1000 gold looks quite probable at the moment and possibly a bit lower over the months ahead.

Probe is a different story although joining in with the group today in weakness as might be expected. The timber people certainly look to have misjudged their bargaining position with today's weakness. The word around is these people lack perspective in dealing their land in a general declining market. Maybe they should have been advised by the big Anonymous selling machine which may have told them to wrap up the deal ahead of further weakness in the metal.

All that can possibly be said of them is inexperience and greed. Poor Dave for having to put up with all this childish behavior in protecting the shareholders. Now that the timber people have apparently lost their ideal baragining position, it just might be the time for them to man-up and eat a little crow from their position. Or, will they continue fighting the tape and shooting for the moon? They should get plugged into the big picture and discard their rosy colored glasses for if Dave brings in some good gold showings on the east limb their money train for the intemediate term will have left the station, leaving them on the platform dazed as it disappears into the distance.

Armstrong has forecast that the home prices will turn down in September of 2015 thus curtailing building. A declining phase will follow for years, no bounce. What we have been witnessing over the last three years was the bounce, a dead cat bounce. Actually, the whole economy turns down then, as well. Interest rates by then will probably be higher. In this environment, lumber prices would be expected to sell lower. If I were the timber property owner I would have done my homework which would have dictated to me to get a deal done with Dave and then my future would have been a bit more secure. One has wonder, are these people just getting bad advice or are they really that greedy?

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