Solid foundations. New horizons.


Hey WB

It's good that you volunteered to spearhead this venture. A block of determined voters would send a strong message to the BoD (which has given support to the deal, but may be that was the price to pay/ploy? to attract the first offer...who knows).

I see this as a low-ball offer by G, and would expect that a bidding war with AEM throwing its hat in the ring, soon (G has 3 days to response to a counter-offer by others). If I read the offer correctly, the New PRB will have all properties in the RoF (where Dave started out from) plus $19M cash to play around with (looking for Ni, Cu and more chromite in the RoF?). All Borden properties including the East Limb and the new land deal, probably the JV with REC are included in the G offer (JV with Lakeshore as well?). BTW, there is a silver lining in this deal somewhere with respect to the RoF (if G offer is sucessful), but it should be speculated in a separate discussion.

Back to PSU, it's true that the PRB site may be taken down (note that the Jan 2015 PRB Corp Presentation, the deal, and new Probe has already been discussed), hence you are asking for personal information via PM. However, personal and financial info (# of shares) may be considered private by some of our colleagues. IMO, an initial tally could be compiled with our avatars would be sufficient (with an option for real names, tels, e-mails, etc for further contact).

This initial tally would give us, and the company, an idea of the strength of PSU. Actual information would be available at a later stage if this is (legally) required.

May be this is what our BoD and Dave would need as a bargaining chip during a bidding war? Keeping in mind that 10% dissenting votes would cause enough havoc to a TO deal, and usually would result in a better deal.

PS: By words of mouth we could enlist support from others outside the AGO circle. Brothers, sisters, inlaws, drinking buddies, etc...The more the merrier.


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