Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Re: Disappointed by Probe Board
Jan 19, 2015 05:18PM


1. First, your control of 1% of Probe is certainly impressive. Congrats. I trust that you have communicated relevant information to WtlessB.

2. This is the same old game G was trying to pull...a low-ball. It lost once to AEM and Yamana(?) on Osisko, but did not seem to learn anything from the lesson. Perhaps, this is just an initial offer to test the water and G would be willing to up the anti later. Hopefully, it would know when to go for a kill.

3. I was expecting, at least the New Probe would retain some of the claims in the land deal (e.g the East Limb, plus the bit SE of the lake). As you have indicated, the New PRB is really the "old PRB" when Dave started out in the RoF...unless, G has an ambition to get in the chromite business, using the new PRB as a proxy. If this were the case, then the RoF would have a major behind it. Just buy up CLF chromite assets and team up with KWG to form a good team.

4. My bet is that AEM (with or without a partner...however with a partner would derisk the investment) will jump in, at least to mess around. It will exercise the 5.6wts @ 2.10 (at least a potential gain of $16M plus free share of New PRB, if it "more superior offer" fails).

5. What about Barrick? Jaime used to be at the helm there and Barrick and G has a JV (a huge gold mine) in Dominican Republic. It has been beaten badly and had to write down quite a few billions on some bad investment in far away lands. Perhaps, it would be safer to stay near to home (e.g. Chapleau). It just might have a go at PRB, regardless of its friendly relationship with G...who knows. Strange things happen in the business jungle.

6. You said:"Maybe we could ask Sean Roussen at Osisko Resources to negotiate for the PSU?" Sure go for it and team up with WtlessB. BTW, is Osisko still kicking as a business entity? As I recall, Osisko shareholders own quite a chunk of AEM and Yamana, but I lost track of Osisko company.



Jan 19, 2015 07:07PM
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