Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: Re: Captain my Captain
Mar 16, 2016 11:13AM
Mar 18, 2016 06:55PM
Mar 20, 2016 05:32PM
Mar 21, 2016 05:07PM
Well Pecos : my apologies for the late response.......I was killing time . Yes that's it ....killing time. As for gold Corp.....I typically don't "trade". Pick high and lows with HFT is time consuming and not very interesting. I believe in gold. The world economies constantly publish false statistics but overall is see an exhausted middle class in the U.S and Canada. It's this very "exhaustion". That will drive people into other currencies. Saving in a negative interest rate environment is fruitless ....and the volumes of gold flowing into Shanghai, LBMA. Are increasing . In fact world wide output is falling, grade is falling and the chineses will consume 2800 tons this year . I am patiently waiting to get back into drillers. Watching balance sheets to weather the storms financially and get drilling again. In northern BC gas drilling is still going on.....I believe natural gas will start rising in 18 to 24 months. Gold I believe in John ing and yes we could see 1909 to 2400 end of 2016 For every 15 dollars gold goes up G usually goes up 0.60 cents on average. I also believe goldcorp will be on a buy back to enhance their share price.,,,if gold hits 1400 they announce a monthly restart to the dividend get there share price back into strike range and buy several plays share for share and cash, then they will let the shares drop. Yes, just like they did buying PRB. For 600 million errrr 300 million. But you know I have time..... You bring the shovel I'll bring the lime Captain time
Mar 30, 2016 09:54AM
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