Timmins & Beardmore - Northern Ontario

Focused on becoming a near-term Gold Producer

Message: Re: perhaps abit of a bounce here. W6W and the board
Dec 20, 2007 01:31PM


Excellent brief recap on the properties and where we are.

There is only one thought that I have regarding SGX and KXL.  We do not know for sure whether or not the source of what KXL has thusfar discovered might originate on SGX's property. Just because KXL got there first, and that is important, doesn't mean that the lions share or mother lode isn't on the SGX property. I don't know but it is very possible that the pro's are also entertaining that idea. Talk about a holiday wish.

 Speaking of  Holiday wishes; from my wife and I, we wish to extend to ALL of you and your families the best and most meaningful Christmas ever.

Jane and Jerry Francis

Dec 21, 2007 12:36PM
Dec 21, 2007 12:50PM
Dec 21, 2007 05:19PM

Dec 23, 2007 09:53AM
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