Timmins & Beardmore - Northern Ontario

Focused on becoming a near-term Gold Producer

Message: Re: Just a hunch but..

Re: Just a hunch but..

posted on Jan 06, 2008 04:34PM

Gaapguy, do't forget the warrants.  The November PP alone willraise over $4 million when wrrants areexercised ...(strike price is $.75).


furthermore the previous 3 PPs this year (April June October) are already well in the money, have escallating exercise prices and will raise another $2 million plus.

that being said, I agree they will need more money by yar end and will hopefully finance at much hiher prices.  It is also possible they will JV one or more of the properties.

just a thought... 


Jan 06, 2008 04:46PM
Jan 06, 2008 04:50PM
Jan 06, 2008 07:49PM
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