I bought in at .21 last summer after it hit .28. Then it hit .16 where I was dumb and missed my opportunity. Then we went up big with Klondike to like .75 high. I didn't buy then either due to the euphora effect. As it settled I bought more at .47 and .55 before it drooped down to .38 where I bought more and then .28 during last weeks correction in the market I bought additional and loaded up again when it hit .23 or .24 (I forgot but was p**ss** that I didn't get in at .195. Either way I'm averaging around .35 or .36 cents a share. Still a bit high. Would love more cash to keep on the sidelines and move in if it drops from here. My personal opinion. We're preparing for another climb. Of course a week ago .27 cents wasn't really on my radar screen either. I was thinking more around .55 to .60 over the horizon. See what a week can do ;)