Well you be the judge on that, but at a road show where Sage Gold And kodiak Exp.attended, SGX and KXL had booths next to each other. Pure coincidence I am sure. Sage had on their table some quartz vein rock from the S/E section of their Jacobus property. Kodiak also had on their table some quarts vein rock from the the N/W extention of their now famous golden mile. [Little by little that km gap is closing]. The samples looked identical. In fact the Kodiak geologist said to the Sage rep that, 'we could switch the samples and nobody would know the difference'. He then laughed. True, I was NOT at that show so how do I know that to be so. Well like I said you get more with honey than you do by sandpaper. I believe that report that I got directly from them. If you don't, that's okay. The truth of the matter is that we do not have any proof that that conversation ever took place nor do we have any proof that the two rocks are in fact related value wise. So why then this post? BECAUSE sometimes we who are not on the inside and are not flies on the wall, have to try and put two and two together. [read between the lines]. We have to try to discern the 'signs of the times'. Will we get is right all of the time? Propably not but we have to look at the bigger picture and at least try while we are waiting. I am fair at discerning folks. I believe that the leadership is honorable and would not tell me something like that if it were not so. Do you believe that the leadership of Sage Gold are honorable people or am I just naive. If you do not believe in your companys leadership then what the heck are you doing here. That is the FIRST thing you must decide. Then comes the property, finances and all that other good stuff.
Best wishes,
Jerry Francis