Timmins & Beardmore - Northern Ontario

Focused on becoming a near-term Gold Producer

Message: Regarding SGX. What would you do in this situation gals/guys?

Regarding SGX. What would you do in this situation gals/guys?

posted on Jul 29, 2008 05:36AM

Subtitled, "Thinking tactically for survival reasons".

This is a forum for discussion, so I would like to ask you folks a question concerning Sage Gold. What would you do in their present situation? What should they be doing or doing different in order to advance the project and yes, the share pri

For me personally, I think that SGX and others have to think tactically in this present negative market situation. Think about this because it does apply. If you were ever in a fight [Sage Gold is in one] didn't you for obvious reasons, go back to back with someone else. The two of you had a common interest right. You had a hope that the bullies that were opposing you would not prevail and you would survive the night albeit perhaps lumped up a tad. SGX and many others have been taking a lumping by the exact same type of street bullys. I am referring to Wall street, Howe Street or any other Street. There is an old saying that goes like this, "A chord of three is not easily broken". It is better than two going back to back.

SAGE GOLD absolutely needs to think this way or their news releases will continue to not have the desired results. It is not just your money here guys. The company did not go into business to get the crap beat out of them by some gangsters with suits on. IF the assay results are not good or SGX screws up somehow, then we can expect to pay the price B U T if that is not the case, then SAGE needs to go back to back with others. They do not have to be friends either. We are talking about breaking a stranglehold on their share price. Someone has to pave the way with innovative ideas that work. While I am on my soap box, I would love to see class action suits by all concerned and a hue and cry that reverbs around the world. For once let the bad guys run for cover.

Well guys and gals, that is the "brief" [L O L ] version of what I think Sage has to do in this situation.


P.S. You don't think I am to idealistic do you? LOL. You guys don't think I have to many unreaslistic expectations do you? Mega LOL. Well if you do, then let me say this, YOUR UP AT BAT if you wish to participate in sharing what you think Sage has to do to combat this situation? I made myself vunerable. so don't be a chicken here.

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