Timmins & Beardmore - Northern Ontario

Focused on becoming a near-term Gold Producer

Message: Not one 'thumbs up'...

I'm hoping that part of the response to the important questions you raised includes a long section display and surface map similar to the types of images used by Kodiak. Then we'll know where the recent wells were drilled and see how the results compare with the channel assay map for vein 1 ( page 18 of the Sage July presentation). I would expect these recent drills were collared opposite the higher grade portions of the channel display. Another important question is wether or not quartz was intersected and at what width. There's a reason why Kodiak posts this value on their long sections ,even if there was no associated gold assayed, because it confirms that the vein geometry has been properly predicted. The Sage vein system may well be much more complicated then originally thought and the next phase of drilling may be directed to resolving this issue. If very little quartz veining was intersected in this program then that would explain the very disappointing results, but it doesn't make it easy to decide what to do next. The Paint Lake drilling actually has a higher chance of success because of the gold systems discovered by Ontex right next door. Both their Brookbank gold deposit and Sage's property are located on fault splays from the main Paint Lake fault , on the contact between metavolcanic and metasedimentary rock systems. Very detailed maps that include Sage's Paint Lake claims can be found on the Ontex website. We will still need to sort out the Jacobus east area for this stock to move up.

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