Timmins & Beardmore - Northern Ontario

Focused on becoming a near-term Gold Producer

Message: Re: update and Paint Lake results
Jan 16, 2010 01:18AM

Jan 19, 2010 09:29AM

Montrose2 I still do think it's possible the silence is for a 'good reason'. Just trying to get others here to talk about it. Board is dead.

Here are some of my thoughts... SGX is not alone when it comes to pending assays in Paint Lake area... Goldstone (Ontex) drilled Brookbank to the immediate west of Paint Lake since September some time... they had 2 or 3 drills going... nothing yet released... 27 holes yet no results yet... why?... thought at first this was to have merger closed... well that is long done... anyone wondering about Paint Lake results should read excerpts belowfrom Ontex releases on area... remember in first Paint Lake SGX did release they also reported silver and copper zones... unexpected... SGX was also to complete 'a few' deep (500m) holes... what if they have found a new Au-Ag-Cu discovery?... Impossible for all Ontex 27 holes to be duds as they were following up on some pretty impressive previous holes... SGX drilling in same area to immediate east of all this Ontex work...


July 9th 2009: (last results from Brookbank yet drilling with at least 2 rigs since)...

"The wedge hole B-09-07WD, targeting an additional 50 metres to the west of B-09-07, intersected an approximate 15-metre-thick sheared pyrite-rich section of the main Brookbank zone. Assays for this core intercept are pending.

In its continuing effort to expand the 100-per-cent-owned Brookbank gold deposit, Ontex has discovered silver veining in the deepest holes drilled to date. At about 650 metres down the holes B-09-05 and B-09-05WD silver values were intersected of 10 grams over 1.5 metres and 23.2 grams over 1.1 metres, respectively.

The company has substantially ramped up exploration by mobilizing a second diamond drill. More geologists are being mobilized to the site. A geological team is actively reviewing old maps and reports and compiling the data to look for other potential exploration targets."

Latest Ontex MD&A (November):

"Subsequent to the July 9, 2009 press release the Company has completed an additional 27 drill holes. This included three wedges (B-09-07WD, B-19-18WA and B-09-18WB) off the deep holes B-09-07 and B-09-18 respectively, which targeted the Brookbank Zone between 800 meters and 1,100 meters depth below surface. Holes B-09-10 to B-09-23 inclusive and B-09-26 to B-09-28 inclusive targeted the periphery of the Brookbank Gold Deposit between 200 meters and 650 meters below surface. Holes B-09-24, B-09-25 and B-09-29 to B-09-32 inclusive were shallow holes which targeted potential gold mineralization in structures to the east of the main Brookbank Gold Deposit within the hanging wall volcanics. These shallow holes were not targeted to and did not extend to the main Brookbank structure within the volcanic-sediment contact."

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