Timmins & Beardmore - Northern Ontario

Focused on becoming a near-term Gold Producer

Message: To the board at large re: Charlie and company

To the board at large re: Charlie and company

posted on Feb 24, 2010 06:07PM
Testing the waters Charlie.

Why not 'bring' all your SHSGX friends over to the board of the company and leaders that you have been more than critical of. I know what you are doing. So do you son. If Agoracom and the hub leaders see nothing wrong with your past posting performance and potential, and what you will ultimately do to this forum i. e. exactly what you [and your SH friends] did to that one, then they lack discernment and 'street smarts' and are not qualified to be leaders. Hopefully they understand that you will start out 'testing the waters' with seemingly fair questions but eventually those queries will become demanding ones as will the accusatory statements like "has Sage Gold really said..."Do you guys really believe that Nigel...etc"

Jerry Francis
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