SRCH Survey Data - 4-free...
The Government of Saskatchewan is pleased to announce that airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and gravity gradient surveys were flown over areas west of the border with Manitoba in the vicinity of Creighton-Flin Flon during the summer of 2018. The electromagnetic and associated magnetic surveys were funded by the Government of Saskatchewan as part of its Mineral Development Strategy announced in the October 2017 Speech from the Throne. The gravity gradient and associated magnetic surveys were funded by Natural Resources Canada’s Targeted Geoscience Initiative (TGI).
Data from the new surveys will be accessible through Natural Resources Canada’s website on Thursday, September 27
th, 2018 at 11:00 am (Central Standard Time) using the following URLs:
Electromagnetic and associated Magnetic survey data: Gradient and associated Magnetic survey data: Additional information, including a map of survey locations, will be available after the time stated above on Natural Resources Canada’s TGI website: The data from these surveys will be integrated with existing geophysics data from the area and form a component of a cooperative geoscience project by the Saskatchewan Geological Survey, the Geological Survey of Canada, and the Manitoba Geological Survey to better understand the context of the base and precious metal mineralization in the area.
Lands & Mineral Tenure
Ministry of Energy and Resources
1000– 2103 11
th Avenue
Regina, SK S4P 3Z8
MARS: 306.787.9030
Fax: 306.787.0047