This is a very important question that I and a couple freinds are currently trying to get some answers to. If we can consolidate what all of us come up with, maybe we will have a better sense of this type of situation, should it arise. I also suggest, as someone already did; that if you can, get as much in the TFSA as you can. You can contibute $ 5000 per year OR $10000 this year if you haven,t contributed anything in the last 2 years. $5000 per year is the max. I have had my wife and kids open TSFA accounts also, BECAUSE all profits are tax free! If your current holdings of a stock are in an unregistered account then all gains are taxable at the applicable tax rates WHEN YOU SELL. In a registered account (RSP account) your gains are sheltered until you take them out of that account, at which time the funds are taxed at whatever your tax bracket is that year.Should we get a lump sum buyout, the tax implications would depend on what type of account they were held in, and the above would apply. I,m sorry I have to go, will take this up more mon/tue, in the meantime if anyone has anything to add or correct , please post.