I'm wondering if those numbers were looked at using the Gluckstein & Silverspoon "Tesoro Project Reserve Estimation", because in that they used the following calculation:
Total Corridor Length = 9500M
Width = 0.5M
Vein Depth = 600M
NI43-101 Inferred Grade = 29g/T
They seemed to use the wrong formula for oz (looks like they used 28g/oz not 31.1g/oz), I'll use 31.1 g/oz
They use a scaling factor of 31.777%, but they do not use the Ovoid formula Hog & I use, which automatically puts in a 52% scaling factor. They also use 2.7 T/M3 (Density of Host Rock (quartz) where I use 2.5, and Hog uses 2.
Anyway all that would work out to:
9500M X 0.5M X 600M X 2.7T/M3 X 29g/T X 1oz/31.1g X scaling factor of 31.77%
Equal 2.28 Million OZ
Maybe that's where those numbers come from?