All the guys for sure summed things up, and did a much better job than I could do. Your comment about shares, you know what, it does not matter what you own, everyone is still an SLI investor. I met so many people these last 2 days, and the volume of shares just did not matter, and trust me, they were on both sides of the scale.
It seems kind of funny how close we all seemed to get after only 2 days. I've made many new great friends that I know I'll keep in touch with forever! I'm also sure all the other posters, had they been fortunante enough to attend, would feel the same way.
I'll repeat what many have said today, this is a Class Act Management Team. They are all so down to earth people, and trust me, all extremely good at what they do, and very smart. I have never felt so confident about this story!
I'm looking very forward to 2011!