OK folks, I like math and numbers as much as BOW2U does. Using the following numbers as inputs:
- volume of an ellipse = 4/3 * pi * r1 * r2 * r3
- average grade = 1 g/t (ridiculous!)
- average density = 2 t/m3
- 120 million outstanding shares
- 31.1 g/oz
- $100/oz for gold in the ground
I added up anomalies T1 to T19 and I get 50 million oz and a value of $42/share.
Double the average grade to a "whopping" 2 g/t and we're at $84/share, or adjust any of the other input numbers for that matter and you can see the effect on a potential take-out bid price per share. That's just for the anomalies and does not consider the rest of the Tesoro or any of the other claims. At one time I thought $100/share was too good to be true but it is quite conceivable to me that the potential is in the hundreds of dollars per share. Just amazing.