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Message: Missing Math

Thanks for inquiring BOW2U. I'm not an expert on calculating gold reserves by any means, but will certainly take a crack at it........... to calculate the A-4 vein system at SURFACE level, as it is not clear how deep it also runs.

Using a conservative figure of the A-4 vein system at 650 meters (2134 ft) in length and an average width of .304 meters (1.0 ft).

1.0 X 1.0 X 2134 = 2134 cubic ft. of material from the system

Now, using a density of 12.5 cubic feet per tonne of material (rock density is normally 10-15 cubic feet per tonne) (quartz's density is 2.65g/cc= 13.36 cubic ft./tonne)

2134 cubic feet/12.5 cubic feet per tonne = 170.7 tonnes of material

The average grade in April of '07 from 20 samples from the A4 vein system was 2.37opt, but this figure did not include the 17.24opt channel sample, so factoring in that sample would give the A4 vein system an average of 3.08opt from 21 samples.

170.7 tonnes material X 3.08opt = 526 oz. gold at SURFACE level for this vein system

If you see something wrong in this calculation, please feel free to comment/ correct.

Again, this is only MY calculation and certainly could have something wrong here, but I believe this figure is low because it doesn't take into account veins in the system that run up and down vertically and diagonally (to depth).

We know that the C1 vein system has an inferred mineral resource of 4290 tonnes grading 1.04opt with total content of 4460 oz. from the 43-101 report dated 2/15/08.

As Hog noted the vein systems will be more of just a bonus to the gold that we're thinking is in the ovoid, and anomalies, along with disseminated gold on the property.

If interested this is a good reference to use for these type of calculations (may not work well for calculating gold reserves in vein systems??), I believe Hog posted this article also around mid 2010 if I'm not mistaken.



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