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Message: Re: huh
Icon president huh
Feb 09, 2011 02:35PM
Feb 09, 2011 02:42PM
Feb 09, 2011 02:46PM
Feb 09, 2011 03:00PM
Feb 09, 2011 03:14PM

Here is Ansell's description of the Vilcoro property. Note the strike zone dimensions. Depth in particular.


The highlight of exploration work done in 2007-2008 was the identification of the “Main Trend”, which is an east-northeast-striking zone of anomalous gold in both rocks and soils. The main trend is 1,700 meters long, 150 to 300 meters wide and extends for a vertical span of 400 meters between elevations of 2800 to 3200 meters ASL. The Main Trend is thought to correspond to a steep-dipping shear zone cutting the volcaniclastic succession.

The median (50 percentile) assay of 394 rock channel samples taken from the Main Trend is 162 ppb gold. The mean assay for 291 soil samples taken from the Main Trend is 69 ppb gold. As is typical in epithermal deposits, samples from the Main Trend also exhibit an anomalous signature for antimony, arsenic, and mercury.

Within the Main Trend, there are zones where gold assays are significantly higher than the averages reported above. The most significant of these has been named Zona Manto, which is 140 meters long, 20 meters wide, and spans a vertical extent of 60 meters. Approximately 120 linear meters of underground development in three separate workings are present at Zona Manto. Eighty-three channel samples were collected from these underground workings and, disregarding one exceptionally high-grade assay of 25.0 opt gold, the average assay of all samples is 3.4 g/t gold. The median assay (50 percentile) is 1.5 g/t gold. Gold occurs in east-northeast and north-trending veins up to 0.9 meters wide. Gold also occurs in brecciated pyrolusite-rich mantos (beds) up to a meter wide that are cut by stockwork-style gypsum veinlets. Gold may also be present disseminated in the altered volcaniclastics.


  1. The Vilcoro property is situated in a strategic area of Peru flanking an extensive claim group that protects Barrick’s Alto Chicama deposit.
  2. A large area of anomalous gold mineralization (the "Main Trend") has been found on the Vilcoro property.
  3. The anomalous gold is hosted in the Callipuy Formation, which is the premiere host for the largest gold mines in Peru, and some of the largest epithermal gold deposits in the world.
  4. Within the Main Trend, there are zones of gold mineralization that have ore-tenor gold grades, such as Zona Manto.
  5. Geophysical surveys have detected a distinct IP (induced polarization) anomaly about one hundred meters beneath Zona Manto. This is almost without doubt due to the transition between oxide-facies (weathered) material and sulphide-facies (fresh) material at that depth.
  6. The combination of direct (sampling) and indirect (geophysical) evidence indicates that Zona Manto is a first-order drill target on the Vilcoro property. There are other zones within the Main Trend that also merit evaluation by drilling.

Feb 09, 2011 03:26PM
Feb 09, 2011 05:31PM
Feb 09, 2011 11:13PM
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